Additel Corporation has improved the accuracy specification of their precision accuracy controller series and Intelligent Digital Pressure Modules, ranging from vacuum pressure to 1,000 psi (70 bar). The improved accuracy specification is 0.01% of reading from 30% to 100% FS. Additel offers a variety of ranges with the improved specification for both controllers and pressure modules. Each unit comes with an ISO17025 NVLAP-Accredited certificate of calibration with data.
Additel offers a variety of controllers up to 3,000 pis (200 bar). For pressure ranges greater than 1,000 psi (70 bar), the precision accuracy will continue to be 0.005% FS + 0.005% RD. Additel digital pressure sensor line has ranges from ±1 in H2O (2.5 mbar) to 60,000 psi (4,200 bar).
Product Availability
The precision accuracy controllers and pressure modules are now available for order. For more information, please visit For information on Additel products and applications, or to find the location of your nearest distributor, contact Additel corporation, 2900 Saturn Drive, #B, Brea, CA 92821, call 1-714-998-6899, Fax 714-998-6999, email or visit the Additel website at
About Additel
Additel Corporation is one of the leading worldwide providers of process calibration tools. Additel Corporation is dedicated to the design and manufacture of high-quality handheld test tools and portable calibrators for process industries in precision pressure calibration and test instrumentation. With more than 18 years in the industry, Additel has successfully developed Dry Well Calibrators, Pressure Controllers, Portable Automated Pressure Calibrators, handheld Digital Pressure Calibrators, Documenting Process Calibrators, Multifunction Process Calibrators, Digital Pressure Gauges, and various Calibration and Test Pumps.